Mar 24, 2007

How to Jump from a Moving Train

1. Move to the end of the last car. If this is not an option, you can jump from the space between cars, or from the door if you can get it open.

2. If you have time, wait for the train to slow as it rounds a bend in the tracks. If you jump and land correctly you will probably survive even at high speeds (70 mph or more), but you increase your chances of survival if the train is moving slowly.

3. Stuff blankets, clothing, or seat cushions underneath your clothes. Wear a thick or rugged jacket if possible. Use a belt to secure some padding around your head, but make certain you can see clearly. Pad your knees, elbows, and hips.

4. Pick your landing spot before you jump. The ideal spot will be relatively soft and free of obstructions. Avoid trees, bushes, and, of course, rocks.

5. Get as low to the floor as possible, bending your knees so you can leap away from the train car.

6. Jump perpendicular to the train, leaping as far away from the train as you can. Even if you jump from the last car, leap at right angles to the direction of the train. This way, your momentum will not carry you toward the wheels and tracks.

7. Cover and protect your head with your hands and arms, and roll like a log when you land. Do not try to land on your feet. Keep your body straight and try to land so all parts of your body hit the ground at the same time—you will absorb the impact over a wider area. If you land on your feet, you will most likely break your ankles or legs. Do NOT roll head over heels as if doing a forward somersault.


Daniel said...

Posting shit like this will get people squished! there is no safe way to jump from a moving train. Any experienced traveler will tell you this. You wait till it stops.

Kalcutta said...

Ha ha ha!!! Thank u daniel