Feb 28, 2007


How To Escape From Quicksand

1. When walking in quicksand country,carry a stout pole-it will help you get
out should you need to.
2. As soon as you start to sink,lay the pole on the surface quicksand.
3. Flop onto your back on top of the pole.
After a minute or two, equilibrium in the quicksand will be achieved, and you will no
longer sink.
4. Work teh pole to a new position: under your hips and at right angles to your spine.
The pole will keep your hips from sinking, as you ( slowly ) pull out first one leg and
then the other.
5. Take the shortest route to firmer ground, moving slowly.

How To Avoid Sinking

Quicksand is just ordinary sand mixed with upwelling water, which makes it behave liak
a liquid. However, quicksand -unlike water-doest not easily let go, if you try to pull a limb out quicksand , you have to work against the vacuum left behind. Here are a few tips:

  • The viscosity of quicksand increase with shearing-move slowly so the viscosity ia as low as possible.

  • Floating on quicksand is relatively easy and is the best way to avoid its clutches. You are more buoyant in quicksand than you are in the water. Humans are less dense than freshwater, and saltwater is slightly more dense. Floating is easier in saltwater than freshwater and much easier in quicksand. Spread your arms and legs far apart and try to float on your back.